How to Create a Filter in Google Sheet?

Google Sheets is a powerful tool for managing and analyzing data.

One of its most useful features is the ability to create filters. Filters allow you to view only the data that you are interested in, making it easier to analyze and draw conclusions.

In this blog post, we will show you how to create a filter in Google Sheets, step-by-step. We’ll also answer some frequently asked questions about filters.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Filter

  • Open Google Sheets
    • First, open the Google Sheets document that you want to work with. If you don’t have one yet, go to Google Sheets and create a new sheet.
  • Select the Data Range
    • Click and drag your mouse to select the range of cells that you want to apply the filter to. This can be a single column, multiple columns, or an entire table.
  • Enable the Filter
    • With your data range selected, go to the toolbar at the top of the page. Click on the “Data” menu, then select “Create a filter.” A filter icon will appear in the header row of your selected range.
  • Filter Your Data
    • Click on the filter icon in the header row of the column you want to filter. A dropdown menu will appear.
    • From the dropdown menu, you can choose various filter options:
      • Filter by condition: Set specific conditions for the data you want to see (e.g., cells that contain a certain value).
      • Filter by values: Select or deselect specific values from the list.
      • Search: Use the search box to quickly find specific data points.
    • Once you’ve set your filter criteria, click “OK” to apply the filter. The sheet will now display only the rows that meet your criteria.
  • Clear or Remove Filters
    • To clear a filter, click on the filter icon again and select “Clear.”
    • To remove all filters from your sheet, go back to the “Data” menu and select “Remove filter.”

Additional Tips

  • Multiple Filters: You can apply filters to multiple columns at once. Simply repeat the filtering process for each column.
  • Custom Formulas: Use custom formulas in the “Filter by condition” option for more advanced filtering.
  • Protected Ranges: Make sure your important data ranges are protected before applying filters if multiple users are accessing the sheet.

FAQ Section

Q1: Can I save my filter view and share it with others?

A1: Yes, you can save your filter view by clicking on “Data” > “Filter views” > “Save as filter view.” This allows you to share specific filtered views with others without altering the original data.

Q2: Can I use filters on mobile devices?

A2: Yes, Google Sheets allows you to use filters on both Android and iOS devices. The steps are similar: select your data range, tap on the filter icon, and set your criteria.

Q3: Do filters affect other users viewing the same sheet?

A3: No, filters only affect your view of the data. However, if you save a filter view and share it, others can see that specific filtered view.

Q4: How do I filter dates or numbers?

A4: To filter dates or numbers, click the filter icon in the column header and choose “Filter by condition.” You can then select options such as “Date is before,” “Date is after,” “Greater than,” or “Less than” and specify your criteria.

Q5: Can I use multiple conditions in one filter?

A5: Yes, you can use multiple conditions by selecting “Custom formula is” under “Filter by condition.” You can then enter a custom formula that combines multiple conditions using logical operators like AND, OR, etc.


Creating filters in Google Sheets is a straightforward process that can greatly enhance your ability to analyze and understand your data.

Whether you’re working with a small dataset or a large spreadsheet, filters help you focus on what’s important. By following the steps outlined above, you’ll be able to easily create and manage filters in Google Sheets.

If you have any more questions about using filters in Google Sheets, feel free to leave a comment below or check out Google’s official help guide for more detailed information.

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