How to Use If Function in Google Sheets?

The IF function in Google Sheets is a powerful tool for making logical comparisons and returning different results based on specified conditions.

Whether you’re evaluating numbers, text, or dates, the IF function allows you to create dynamic formulas.

Let’s dive into the basics and explore some advanced usage of the IF function in Google Sheets.

Understanding the Basics of the IF Function

The IF function in Google Sheets is used to evaluate a condition and return one value if the condition is true and another value if the condition is false.

This makes it a fundamental tool for performing conditional logic in your spreadsheets.

Basic Syntax:

IF(logical_expression, value_if_true, value_if_false)
  • logical_expression: The condition you want to test.
  • value_if_true: The value to return if the condition is true.
  • value_if_false: The value to return if the condition is false.

Examples of Using the IF Function

Example 1: Basic Usage

Suppose you have a list of scores, and you want to determine if each score is a passing score (e.g., 60 or higher). You can use the IF function as follows:

=IF(A1 >= 60, "Pass", "Fail")
  • logical_expression: A1 >= 60
  • value_if_true: “Pass”
  • value_if_false: “Fail”

If the value in cell A1 is 75, the formula returns “Pass”. If it’s 60, it returns “Fail”.

Example 2: Nested IF Functions

For more complex scenarios, you can nest multiple IF functions to evaluate multiple conditions. For example, to assign grades based on scores:

=IF(A1 >= 90, "A", IF(A1 >= 80, "B", IF(A1 >= 70, "C", IF(A1 >= 60, "D", "F"))))

Here’s how this works:

  • If the score is 90 or above, it returns “A”.
  • If not, it checks if the score is 80 or above for “B”.
  • If not, it checks if the score is 70 or above for “C”.
  • If not, it checks if the score is 60 or above for “D”.
  • Otherwise, it returns “F”.

Example 3: Using IF with Text

The IF function isn’t limited to numbers; it can also be used with text. For instance, to categorize employees based on their department:

=IF(B1 = "Sales", "Sales Team", "Other Department")

If cell B1 contains “Sales”, it returns “Sales Team”. Otherwise, it returns “Other Department”.

Advanced Usage of the IF Function

Combining IF with Other Functions

You can enhance the IF function’s capabilities by combining it with other functions like AND, OR, and NOT.

Example: Using AND with IF

To test multiple conditions simultaneously, such as checking if an employee is eligible for a bonus:

=IF(AND(A1 >= 1000, B1 = "Full-Time"), "Eligible", "Not Eligible")
  • A1 >= 1000: The employee’s sales must be at least 1000.
  • B1 = "Full-Time": The employee must be full-time.
Example: Using OR with IF

To check if any one of several conditions is met:

=IF(OR(A1 = "Manager", A1 = "Executive"), "High Level", "Regular")

If A1 contains either “Manager” or “Executive”, it returns “High Level”. Otherwise, it returns “Regular”.

Error Handling with IFERROR

Sometimes you may encounter errors in your calculations. Use the IFERROR function with IF to handle these errors gracefully:

=IFERROR(IF(A1 > 0, "Positive", "Non-Positive"), "Invalid Input")

If A1 contains an error (e.g., dividing by zero), the formula will return “Invalid Input” instead of an error message.

FAQ Section

Q1: Can I use the IF function to compare dates in Google Sheets?

Yes, you can use the IF function to compare dates. For example, to check if a date in cell A1 is after January 1, 2023:

=IF(A1 > DATE(2023, 1, 1), "After", "Before or On")

Q2: How many nested IF functions can I use in Google Sheets?

Google Sheets allows up to 50 nested IF functions in a single formula. However, using too many can make your formulas complex and hard to read. Consider using other functions like SWITCH for better readability.

Q3: Can I use cell references in the IF function?

Absolutely! You can use cell references within your logical expressions, value_if_true, and value_if_false arguments.

Q4: What happens if I omit the value_if_false argument?

If you omit the value_if_false argument, the IF function will return FALSE when the logical expression evaluates to false:

=IF(A1 > 60, "Pass")

If A1 is not greater than 60, it will return FALSE.

Q5: Can I use the IF function with array formulas?

Yes, you can use the IF function with array formulas to perform conditional operations on ranges of cells:

=ARRAYFORMULA(IF(A1:A10 > 60, "Pass", "Fail"))

This formula applies the condition to each cell in the range A1:A10 and returns an array of results.


The IF function in Google Sheets is a versatile tool that allows you to make logical comparisons and return values based on conditions.

Whether you’re working with numbers, text, or dates, mastering this function can significantly enhance your data analysis capabilities.

By combining it with other functions like AND, OR, and IFERROR, you can handle even more complex scenarios efficiently.

Happy Spreadsheeting!

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